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Fatwa to Stop Women from General Elections 2024

Fatwa to Stop Women from General Elections 2024 in an absurd development.

Kohistan Election Controversy: Clerics Bar Female Door-to-Door Campaigning

Kohistan, Pakistan: A brewing controversy casts a shadow over the upcoming February 8th general elections in Kohistan district, as a group of influential clerics has issued a decree outlawing female door-to-door campaigning.

Read More: ECP Announced Plan for General Elections 2024

This ruling sparked debate and concerns about potential disenfranchisement of women candidates and voters.

The Decree:

  • A 30-member JUI-F-affiliated group of clerics, led by Mufti Gul Shahzada, unanimously issued a decree deeming female door-to-door campaigning “against Islamic injunctions and Shariah.”
  • Around 400 clerics from across Kohistan endorsed this decree, adding another layer of complexity to the already-fraught electoral landscape.

Impact on Women Candidates:

  • This ruling directly impacts several female candidates contesting the elections, including Tehmina Faheem, Momina Basit, and Sanaya Sabeel.
  • Their ability to connect with voters at their doorsteps, a vital campaign strategy, has been abruptly restricted.

Clerics’ Justification:

  • Mufti Shahzada claims the decree adheres to Islamic principles, referencing religious texts to support his stance.
  • He further warns against casting votes based on non-religious factors like language, region, or clan, urging voters to prioritize ideology.

Concerns and Debate:

  • The decree has ignited concerns about the potential disenfranchisement of women voters and candidates in Kohistan.
  • Questions arise about the legality and ethical implications of religious pronouncements influencing the electoral process.
  • Civil society groups and women’s rights activists are likely to challenge this ruling, potentially setting the stage for legal battles.

Moving Forward:

  • The Kohistan election saga highlights the evolving dynamics of Pakistani politics, particularly the intersection of religion and gender.
  • It necessitates open dialogue and a nuanced understanding of both religious sensitivities and democratic principles.
  • Ensuring fair and inclusive elections for all candidates and voters remains the fundamental objective.

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