Welcome to MunafaMarketing.com. Thank you for browsing our website. We are a marketing and informative platform. Every time you open our website, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Our terms and conditions may change from time to time. Our terms and conditions are as follows:

A ‘user’ is anyone who uses our services/platform. You, the user, understand and agree that:

General disclaimer:

  • As an online platform, MunafaMarketing.com cannot certify any content advertised at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • Users should always verify the originality of the product, property, information, or project advertised at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • We suggest our users carry out a proper physical inspection of the product, property, or project before doing any negotiations with the other party or getting into any deal with that person/entity.
  • We do not accept any responsibility for any third-party advertiser displaying a product, property, or project.
  • We do not take responsibility for any external website for which links are exhibited at MunafaMarketing.com. You will exit from our platform by clicking on the link.
  • Always keep your personal information confidential and provide MunafaMarketing.com with the correct and necessary information in relation to your account. The confidentiality of the user’s account is the user’s responsibility.
  • Views expressed by the users on our platform are their own.
  • Please do not use our services if you don’t agree to our terms and conditions.
  • MunafaMarketing.com may change terms and conditions from time to time, with or without any prior notification.
  • MunafaMarketing.com may block your access to the website if you use our platform in a way contradictory to our terms and conditions.

General terms and conditions:

  • MunafaMarketing.com is not a platform to provide any financial investment or advice.
  • Advertisements may be included in our service.
  • We don’t represent you or the other users searching for a product/property or advertising their product/property at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • We will not help any user in the lease, sale, or purchase of any property or product.
  • MunafaMarketing.com is not liable for any negotiations you may have with any actual or potential buyer/seller. Lessor/lessee, in relation to any product/property advertised at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • You are required to act in accordance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • Uploading any harmful content on MunafaMarketing.com, including any viruses, malware, worms, spam, pyramid schemes, or other fraudulent schemes, and is strictly prohibited.
  • Copying any content advertised or produced by MunafaMarketing.com is not allowed.
  • MunafaMarketing.com may assign or subcontract any of its rights and obligations under any agreement with any user.
  • Users may not assign, subcontract, or transfer their rights or obligations under any agreement with MunafaMarketing.com without prior written consent.

Terms & Conditions regarding Advertisement of Products/property on MunafaMarketing.com

  • You agree and represent that the product/property you are advertising is yours or you are authorized by the owner of that product/property.
  • You agree that in case of any claim, loss, or damage resulting from your advertisement at MunafaMarketing.com, you will not hold liable MunafaMarketing.com or its employees.
  • You are required to act in accordance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • MunafaMarketing.com may refuse to advertise your product/property without giving any reason.
  • MunafaMarketing.com may remove any advertisement on our platform at any point without giving any prior reason or notice.
  • You agree and represent that all the information relating product/property is true and authentic and agree to not ask MunfaMarketing.com to compensate in case of any breach of such information.
  • You must not have been suspended from the use of our services.
  • You must have legal capacity and be age 18+ to use our services and to advertise on MunafaMarketing.com.
  • You may use our services for yourself only in relation to your product/property unless allowed by MunafaMarketing.com as per a separate agreement.
  • As per our policies, you may be required to pay some fees for our services.
  • You will not remove or change any copyright notice published on MunafaMarketing.com.
  • You will not provide inaccurate or false information relating to any product/property advertised at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • Nothing published or advertised on our platform should be considered a recommendation by MunafaMarketing.com.
  • You will not advertise any product/property that you do not have copyrights or permission to use.
  • We offer no guarantee that there will be a positive response to your advertisement on MunafaMarketing.com.
  • After publishing your advertisement on MunafaMarketing.com, you will not remove it for at least a period of one week.
  • You will not interfere in the enjoyment of our services for other users.
  • You will not create links from any website on MunafaMarketing.com.

In case of any violation or alleged violation of these Terms & Conditions, MunafaMarketing.com may suspend your services (paid or unpaid) with or without any prior notice at its sole discretion. MuanafaMarketing.com may suspend your services with or without prior notice in case of any non-payment or delayed payment for an indefinite period of time.

MunafaMarketing.com will not be held accountable for any costs, damages, losses, or other claims in this regard; our platform will not be liable for any claims or third-party claims as a result of the user’s violation of the Terms & Conditions.

Intellectual Property:

All content at MunafaMarketing.com is our property, including our services, logos, pictures, and video/audio clips. Icons, general data, codified information, etc. in specified cases, the content is protected by copyright laws.

Policy on Prohibited Use:

  • You agree that you will not use services provided by MunafaMarketing.com for any illegal or prohibited matter.
  • The content published on our platform is the registered intellectual property of MunafaMarketing.com, and you will not be part of any activity that violates our intellectual property rights.
  • You will not compromise the security or integrity of services provided by MunafaMarketing.com.
  • You will not advertise any product, property, or information that violates any third party’s intellectual property rights. MunafaMarketing.com and its employees are not liable for any claims in relation to your any such action.
  • You will not misrepresent any other person or entity on MunafaMarketing.com.
  • In case of any prohibited use, your account & services (paid or unpaid) will be suspended for an indefinite period of time at the discretion of MunafaMarketing.com.

General Indemnification / Limitation of Liability:

  • Each and every user of MunafaMarketing.com agrees to not hold liable MunafaMarketing.com and its employees against any claims, proceedings, losses, liabilities, damages, demands, and expenses due to violation of any Terms & Conditions stated above.
  • MunafaMarketing.com is not liable for any damages or losses relating to the use or inability to use our platform.
  • MunafaMarketing.com holds no responsibility for any false or incorrect information published or advertised by the users of our platform.
  • MunafaMarketing.com will not be responsible for any defect, deletion, omission, error, and delay in operation, communication failure, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of user’s data.
  • MunafaMarketing.com will not be responsible for any problem with its online systems, servers, or software.
  • In any case, irrespective of the number or types of the claim(s) initiated against MunafaMarketing.com, MunafaMarketing.com’s maximum aggregate liability to any user, in respect of any loss (of whatsoever nature) whether such claim(s) arises in contract or in tort shall not exceed a sum total of the value of the amount received by MunafaMarketing.com from the said user in relation to the matter giving rise to the said claim(s).

No Warranties:

  • MunafaMarketing.com, its officers, employees, or consultants provide no warranty as to its services or any information displayed at MunafaMarketing.com.
  • MunafaMarketing.com excludes all warranties, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise.