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Faizabad Commission will Submit Report to Govt Next Week

Faizabad Commission will Submit Report to Govt Next Week.

Faizabad Sit-In Inquiry Nears Completion: Commission Set to Submit Report Next Week

The much-anticipated final report from the commission investigating the controversial 2017 Faizabad sit-in is nearing completion and is expected to be submitted to the federal government next week.

This development marks a significant step towards unveiling the findings of a highly publicized event that sparked nationwide discussions about public accountability and government response to protests.

Extensive Examination of Evidence:

The commission, established by the Supreme Court in November 2023, has meticulously reviewed over 5,200 pages of evidence related to the Faizabad sit-in.

This comprehensive review included reports from various agencies involved in the event, including:

  • Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
  • Police
  • Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)
  • Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
  • Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
  • Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD)
  • Government ministries
  • Special branches

Gathering Testimony from Key Individuals:

Beyond reviewing official reports, the commission also went a step further by recording statements from 28 key individuals directly involved in the sit-in. These statements included perspectives from:

  • Retired military officers
  • Serving military officers
  • Civilian officials (both retired and serving)

Determining Responsibility and Unveiling Findings:

By comprehensively analyzing the collected evidence and recorded testimonies, the commission has reportedly determined the responsibility of those who failed to effectively manage the Faizabad sit-in. This aspect of the report is expected to generate significant public interest, as it may shed light on potential shortcomings in the response to the event.

Transparency and Accountability: The Road Forward:

The commission’s final report is expected to be presented to the Supreme Court by the Ministry of Interior. This submission marks a crucial step towards transparency and accountability in addressing the events surrounding the Faizabad sit-in.

Public Interest and Potential Outcomes:

The report’s findings are likely to garner significant public attention, as it delves into a highly debated incident that had a profound impact on the national discourse. The potential outcomes of the report may include:

  • Recommendations for legal action: The report might propose legal actions against individuals deemed responsible for failing to manage the sit-in effectively.
  • Recommendations for government reforms: Findings may suggest improvements in government protocols and procedures for handling future protests and public demonstrations.
  • Contribution to public dialogue: The report could serve as a catalyst for further public discussions about governance, accountability, and the right to peaceful protest.

A Step Towards Resolution:

The completion of the Faizabad sit-in inquiry commission’s report represents a significant step towards bringing closure and accountability to a highly charged event. The upcoming submission of the report is expected to spark further public discourse while potentially paving the way for constructive dialogue and reforms in the future.

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