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Water Boring Rates in Karachi 2024

Water Boring Rates in Karachi 2024

Water Boring Rates in Karachi 2024

Water Boring Rates in Karachi 2024.

Karachi Water Crisis: A Deep Dive into Water Boring Costs (2024)

Karachi, Pakistan’s bustling megacity, is battling a severe water crisis. With a population exceeding 20 million, the demand for water far outstrips the meager supply of approximately 550 million gallons per day (MGD).

This shortfall has residents turning to a crucial, yet temporary solution – water boring.

Read More: Commissioner Karachi Announce Rates for Roti & Naan

Understanding the Crisis:

Several factors contribute to Karachi’s water woes:

The Rise of Water Boring:

Faced with water shortages, Karachi’s residents are increasingly resorting to water boring, also known as well drilling. This involves drilling into the earth to tap into underground water reserves (aquifers). While it offers a temporary solution, water boring comes with its own set of considerations.

Water Boring Costs in Karachi (2024):

The cost of water boring depends on two key factors: depth and diameter of the bore. Here’s a breakdown of typical rates for an 8-inch diameter bore:

Costs escalate significantly if the bore diameter is widened to 12 or 15 inches.

Beyond the Cost: A Look at Sustainability:

While water boring offers a lifeline during the crisis, it’s not a long-term solution. Excessive groundwater extraction can deplete aquifers, leading to future water scarcity.

The Road Ahead:

Addressing Karachi’s water crisis requires a multi-pronged approach:

Finding a Solution:

Karachi’s water crisis demands immediate action. By understanding the costs and limitations of water boring, coupled with long-term infrastructure development and sustainable water management practices, the city can chart a course towards a water-secure future.

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