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Over 70 former National Assembly Members opt out of Elections 2024

Over 70 former National Assembly Members opt out of Elections 2024.

Election Shakeup: 70+ Ex-MPs Exit Stage Left, Reshaping Pakistan’s Political Landscape

The 2024 Pakistani elections just got a whole lot more unpredictable. A whopping 70 former National Assembly members, constituting a staggering 98% of eligible ex-MPs, have decided to sit out the next parliamentary showdown.

Prominent names missing:

  • Isfandiar Wali
  • Muftah Ismail
  • Jamal Laghari
  • Rai Mujtabi Kharl
  • Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain
  • Imran Ismail

These are just a few of the high-profile politicians opting out, leaving behind a palpable void in the upcoming race.

Read More: ECP Announced Election Schedule for 2024

Reasons for the Exodus:

  • Women under-representation: Research suggests several former female MPs were not nominated by their parties.
  • Departures by death: Sadly, four ex-members have passed away.
  • Changing tides: The overall trend hints at a significant shift in Pakistan’s political scene, with many familiar faces choosing a different path.

What does this mean for the elections?

The absence of so many experienced figures undoubtedly reshuffles the deck for all parties involved. New candidates will have a chance to shine, while established parties will need to adapt their strategies to compensate for the missing votes.

One thing’s for sure: Pakistan’s 2024 elections are shaping up to be a fascinating spectacle, where new contenders rise and established power dynamics face a fresh challenge. Stay tuned for a story filled with surprises and fierce competition!

Pakistan’s upcoming elections just got a major shakeup, with an exodus of 70+ former National Assembly members reshaping the political landscape. From diverse parties and backgrounds, these seasoned figures are surprisingly missing from the electoral scene.

Prominent Absentees:

  • Across the spectrum: Names like Sameera Malik, Ghous Bakhsh Mehr, Mian Shafiq, and Shahid Khaqan Abbasi represent a wide range of political affiliations.
  • Strategic withdrawals: Asad Umar, Ali Zaidi, Mohsin Leghari, and Khusro Bahtiyar – their absence hints at a deliberate choice to sit out this time.
  • Beyond headlines: Don’t overlook Amjad Niazi, Sadaqat Abbasi, Nusrat Sahar, and Ali Nawaz Awan – their absence speaks volumes about shifting dynamics within the political sphere.
  • Diversity on display: From Aamir Bakhsh Bhutto and Khurram Shahzad Awan to Faiz Kemuka, Mansoor Hayat, Chaudhry Jafar Iqbal, and Haider Thand, the missing MPs hail from varied backgrounds, adding to the intrigue.

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