Mercedes-Benz Conducts First Public EV Crash Test in World to check analyze the results and provide even better safety to the passengers. Mercedes-Benz which is a German auto manufacturer has supervised a frontal offset crash between two electric vehicles first time in the world.
Saftey is Priority
This event was held in Germany at the Mercedes crash facility to test the safety standards of the company’s electric vehicles. EQA and EQS SUVs were the vehicles used in this crash test.
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According to the Euro NCAP (European New Car Assessment Programme) safety standards, the crash test requires a speed of at least 50km/h for a 1400 kg trolley that hits an aluminum gate replicating the front of another car.
Mercedes-Benz surpassed the required weight and speed: Mercedes-Benz Conducts First Public EV Crash Test in World
Mercedes-Benz surpassed the required weight and speed of the Euro NCAP and organized a frontal crash test between two vehicles the EQA (2.2 tons) and the EQS SUV (3 tons) at the speed of 56km/h (34.7 mph). Both the cars are quite heavier than 1400 kg which is the required weight.

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Mercedes-Benz shared the video of the crash test on its official YouTube account and other social media accounts. YouTube:
Mercedes-Benz released its press release after the frontal offset crash stating:
“The vehicles’ extensive deformation following the collision may seem alarming to the non-expert. For the Mercedes-Benz engineers, however, it shows that the vehicles were able to effectively absorb the energy of the collision by deforming. As a result, the passenger safety cell of both electric models remained intact and the doors could still be opened. In an emergency, this would make it possible for occupants to exit the vehicle on their own or for first responders and rescue personnel to reach them. The high-voltage system in the EQA and the EQS SUV switched off automatically during the collision.”
Four adult dummies were placed in the car including one male and three females. The condition of the dummies showed that there is risk of serious/fatal injuries is low. Chief technology officer and member of the board of management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG Markus Schäfer said: “The recent crash test involving two fully electric vehicles demonstrates this. It proves that all our vehicles have an equally high level of safety, no matter what technology drives them.”
Note: The information above might not be 100% correct. Please verify from your own sources.
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