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Media helpline for quick redressal of journalists’ complaints

Media helpline for quick redressal of journalists’ complaints in Pakistan.

Pakistan Launches Media Helpline for Journalists as Elections Draw Near

Pakistan’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MOIB) has stepped up their game for the upcoming 2024 elections by launching a dedicated media helpline for journalists.

This innovative initiative aims to ensure smooth and efficient reporting for both local and international media personnel covering the polls.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Quick Redressal: Journalists facing issues while covering the elections can now easily lodge complaints through the new online application accessible via any browser, from laptops and mobiles to tablets.
  • Transparency and Efficiency: Complaints will be tracked in real-time, ensuring swift resolution and fostering transparency throughout the process.
  • Beyond Elections: While initially established for the 2024 elections, the application is planned to become a permanent platform for journalists to address future concerns as well.
  • Dedicated Support: A special election cell will be set up at the Press Information Department (PID) on February 7th, offering 24/7 assistance to journalists throughout the election period.

Minister Solangi highlighted the importance of this initiative:

  • Upgrading in the Digital Age: He emphasized the need to adapt and improve media operations in the era of digital communication.
  • Supporting Free and Fair Elections: The caretaker government, committed to supporting the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), sees this helpline as crucial for transparency and smooth communication during the elections.
  • Empowering Journalists: Solangi stressed the importance of journalists’ having their voices heard and their concerns addressed promptly.

This media helpline is a significant step towards

  • Empowering journalists to report freely and efficiently.
  • Ensuring transparent and smooth election coverage.
  • Fostering a conducive environment for media personnel operating in Pakistan.

Stay informed:

  • Visit the official MOIB website or PID website for updates and detailed information about the media helpline.
  • Follow relevant hashtags on social media like #PakMediaHelpline and #PakistanElections2024 for real-time updates and discussions.

Whether you’re a local or international journalist covering the Pakistani elections, this media helpline promises to be a valuable resource for efficient reporting and a smooth experience.

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