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Earthquake Hits Jammu And Kashmir’s Doda Area

Earthquake Hits Jammu And Kashmir’s Doda Area.

Low-Intensity Earthquake Shakes Doda in Jammu and Kashmir (March 4, 2024)

A low-intensity earthquake jolted the Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday, March 4th, 2024, at 9:08 PM IST.

According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the tremor measured 3.2 on the Richter Scale and originated at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Here’s a breakdown of the information:

  • Location: Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Date and Time: March 4, 2024, 9:08 PM IST
  • Magnitude: 3.2 on the Richter Scale
  • Depth: 10 kilometers
  • Source: National Center for Seismology (NCS)
  • Tweet by NCS: “Earthquake of Magnitude:3.2, Occurred on 04-03-2024, 21:08:39 IST, Lat: 33.02 & Long: 75.84, Depth: 10 Km.”
  • Current Status: No reports of injuries or damage.

While the earthquake was mild in intensity, it’s crucial to stay informed and prepared in case of any future tremors. Here are some essential steps to take:

Before an Earthquake:

  • Educate yourself and your family: Familiarize yourself with earthquake safety measures and evacuation plans.
  • Prepare an emergency kit: This kit should include essential supplies like non-perishable food, water, first-aid equipment, medication, flashlights, and a battery-powered radio.
  • Secure your home: Secure furniture, appliances, and other heavy objects that could fall and cause injuries during a tremor.
  • Identify safe zones: Locate designated safe zones in your home and workplace where you can take cover during an earthquake.

During an Earthquake:

  • Drop, Cover, and Hold: If you are indoors, drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy table or desk (if possible), and hold on until the shaking stops. Avoid windows, mirrors, and bookcases.
  • If you are outdoors: Move away from buildings, trees, power lines, and other falling hazards. If you are in a crowded place, take cover on the ground and avoid trampling others.
  • If you are in a vehicle: Pull over to the side of the road and stay inside the car with your seatbelt fastened. Avoid stopping under bridges, overpasses, or underpasses.

After an Earthquake:

  • Check for injuries: Attend to any injuries yourself or others if you are trained to do so.
  • Be aware of aftershocks: Expect smaller tremors to follow the main earthquake. Remain calm and follow the same precautions as during the main earthquake.
  • Inspect for damage: Check your home and surroundings for structural damage, gas leaks, or electrical hazards. If you suspect any danger, evacuate the area immediately and contact the authorities.
  • Stay informed: Follow updates from reliable sources like the National Center for Seismology (NCS) for the latest information and instructions.

Remember, staying informed and prepared can significantly reduce the risks associated with earthquakes. By following these steps and practicing safety measures, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones during a seismic event.

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