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Difference B/W Power Division and NEPRA on Over-billing

Difference B/W Power Division and NEPRA on Over-billing

Difference B/W Power Division and NEPRA on Over-billing.

Power Division Disputes Nepra’s Over-Billing Investigation: Millions of Consumers Impacted (More Stats Added)

Islamabad, Pakistan: The Power Division and National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) are embroiled in a heated dispute over the persistent issue of over-billing, with millions of Pakistani consumers caught in the crossfire.

Read More: Electricity Overbilling Affects Millions: NEPRA

Key Statistics:

Power Division Challenges Nepra’s Investigation:

The Power Division released a preliminary report questioning the validity of Nepra’s investigation into over-billing. The report alleges flaws in Nepra’s methodology, including:

Need for Thorough and Impartial Investigation: Difference B/W Power Division and NEPRA on Over-billing

Despite acknowledging the role of faulty meters in impacting over 381,510 customers, the Power Division’s report presents a contrasting perspective on the over-billing issue. This clash between two major regulatory bodies underscores the need for a thorough and impartial investigation to ensure:

By conducting a comprehensive and independent investigation, Pakistani authorities can address the concerns raised by both the Power Division and Nepra and ensure fair and accurate billing practices for all electricity consumers.

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