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How to Download E-License in Punjab

How to Download E-License in Punjab? In an effort to enhance efficiency and convenience for drivers, Punjab Police has launched an innovative program to streamline the driver’s license application process.

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This transformative initiative is accessible to approximately three million license holders in Punjab and aims to simplify the process of obtaining or renewing driver’s licenses. Additionally, it allows individuals to maintain a digital copy of their license directly on their smartphones.

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To acquire your e-license, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Visit the official website: Access the official website at
  2. Choose the e-license option: Once on the website, select the E-License option.
  3. Provide your information: You will need to input your birthdate and CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) details.
  4. Download your e-license: After entering the required information, click the download button to receive a PDF copy of your e-license.

This new digital licensing system not only simplifies the application process but also caters to individuals who may have lost their physical driver’s license.

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With the added convenience of storing a soft copy of the license on your smartphone, this initiative marks a significant leap forward in the realm of digital governance.

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