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Australia to Slash Migration by 50%

Australia to Slash Migration by 50%

Australia to Slash Migration by 50%

Australia Slashes Migrant Intake by 50% in Major Reform

Canberra, Australia: In a major shake-up, the Australian government announced plans to drastically reduce the country’s migrant intake by 50%.

This sweeping policy aims to overhaul the “broken” immigration system and address concerns over housing shortages and worker exploitation.

Read More: Australia Unveils Major Immigration Reforms

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil stated that the previous government had left the immigration system in disarray, necessitating “major reform.”

Criticizing the system’s complexity and inefficiency, she declared the government’s intention to “bring numbers back under control,” leading to a significant reduction in annual intake.

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The reforms encompass stricter measures, including:

These changes aim to attract skilled workers essential for Australia’s economy while protecting vulnerable individuals from exploitation. Businesses, however, express concerns that blaming migrants for housing issues deflects attention from the need for increased investment in affordable housing.

The Home Office outlined the key focuses of the reform:

While the formalities are still being finalized, these policies are expected to remain in place for at least two years.

This significant change will likely impact international students, who have migrated to Australia in large numbers in recent years.

With net immigration reaching 510,000 in 2022-23, the government aims to significantly reduce this number through these reforms.

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