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Hajj 2024: All You Need to Know

Hajj 2024: All You Need to Know including cost, quota, and more.

In a significant move to expand opportunities for Pakistani pilgrims, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has decided to increase the Hajj quota under the sponsorship scheme.

The initial allocation of 10,000 slots has been doubled to 25,000, providing more devout individuals with the chance to embark on the sacred journey to Saudi Arabia.

Read More: Hajj Price in Pakistan 2024

Key Highlights

  • Expanded Hajj Quota: The Ministry of Religious Affairs has recognized the importance of Hajj for Pakistani Muslims and has responded by doubling the quota under the sponsorship scheme. This increase will allow more individuals to fulfill their religious obligations.
  • Estimated Hajj Expenses: The Religious Affairs Ministry has informed the Ministry of Finance about the anticipated financial requirements for the upcoming Hajj operation. A total of $280 million in foreign exchange is needed, of which $100 million is expected to be generated through the sponsorship scheme.
  • Dollar Transactions and Passport Requirements: To streamline the financial aspects of the pilgrimage and ensure transparency, pilgrim expenses will be collected in dollars. Additionally, applicants must possess a valid Pakistani passport.
  • Hajj Cost Breakdown: The cost for pilgrims opting for Hajj under the sponsorship scheme is set at $3,800. This includes various expenses associated with the sacred journey. The revised quota aims to accommodate a wider range of individuals seeking to fulfill their religious obligations.
  • Short Hajj Package: Recognizing the time constraints faced by some individuals, the government has introduced a short Hajj package, designed to conclude within a maximum of 25 days. However, prospective pilgrims choosing this expedited journey will need to bear an additional cost of Rs. 80,000 compared to the regular Hajj package.

Read More: Banks Across Pakistan Receiving Hajj Applications

Commitment to Inclusivity and Accessibility

The Ministry of Religious Affairs’ decision to expand the Hajj quota and introduce the short Hajj package demonstrates a strong commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

These measures aim to facilitate the pilgrimage process for individuals from diverse backgrounds and with varying time constraints, ensuring that more Pakistani Muslims can fulfill their religious obligations.

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