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Cement Sales Slump 14.79% in January

Cement Sales Slump 14.79% in January reflecting economy slow down.

Cement Slump Slams Pakistan: Sales Plunge 14.79% in January. Where’s the Fix?

Pakistan’s construction industry faces a rough patch. New data reveals a 14.79% CRATER in cement sales for January 2024, compared to the same period last year.

Read More: Cement Prices Drop Across Pakistan

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Domestic sales: 17.30% nosedive to 2.967 million tons, down from 3.588 million tons.
  • Exports: Shining light! A 6.82% increase to 446,595 tons, offering a glimmer of hope.

But what’s causing this slump? Experts point to:

  • Higher construction costs: Winter slowdown and rising material prices are putting a damper on projects.
  • Tightened credit: Higher interest rates make it harder for developers to access funding.
  • Policy uncertainty: Investors are waiting for clearer signals from the government before committing to new projects.

What’s next? The industry needs:

  • Stimulus measures: Government action to boost demand and revive the construction sector.
  • Policy clarity: Transparent, pro-business policies to attract investment.
  • Infrastructure focus: Increased spending on infrastructure projects to create demand for cement. ️

Stay tuned for more updates! Will Pakistan’s cement industry bounce back, or is this a sign of deeper economic woes?

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