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SC Verdict on PTI Bat Symbol

SC Verdict on PTI Bat Symbol is reserved for now.

PTI Bat Symbol Verdict Hangs in the Balance: Supreme Court Reserves Decision

The suspense continues surrounding Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) iconic “bat” election symbol, as the Supreme Court (SC) reserved its verdict on Saturday after hearing arguments from both sides.

Read More: Supreme Court Defies Lifetime Disqualification

High Stakes Battle:

  • ECP challenged PHC’s decision to reinstate the bat symbol, citing irregularities in PTI’s internal elections.
  • A three-judge bench, led by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, deliberated on the case.

Transparency Debate:

  • A senior SC judge emphasized the importance of internal democracy within PTI for a fair playing field.
  • The judge remarked conducting transparent intra-party elections could have set a national example.

Verdict Awaited:

  • With the court reserving its decision, the fate of the bat symbol and its potential impact on PTI’s future remains uncertain.
  • All eyes are on the SC as it prepares to announce its verdict soon, potentially shaping Pakistan’s political landscape.

Live-streamed proceedings drew national attention as both sides presented their arguments in this high-stakes battle.

Key Points:

  • Arguments Conclude: PTI representative Barrister Ali Zafar and ECP lawyer Makhdoom Ali Khan both laid out their positions.
  • High Court’s Decision: Chief Justice Isa acknowledged the Peshawar High Court’s order reinstating the symbol, highlighting PTI’s positive reception.
  • Time is Running Out: PTI lawyer Hamid emphasized the urgency, as today marked the deadline for submitting party tickets to the ECP.
  • Jurisdictional Questions: Justice Mazhar raised crucial questions about the court’s jurisdiction and the ECP’s authority over intra-party polls.
  • PTI’s Defense: Zafar argued that the ECP lacked the legal power to scrutinize internal elections, citing both the Constitution and the Elections Act 2017.
  • Discrimination Alleged: Zafar accused the ECP of selective bias, contrasting PTI’s thoroughness with other parties.
  • Compliance Highlighted: He asserted that PTI adhered to its own constitution and addressed the ECP’s queries, despite the polls being dismissed.
  • Internal Challenges Absent: Zafar emphasized the lack of internal disputes over the elections and PTI’s adherence to the ECP’s deadline to avoid disqualification.

Verdict to be Pronounced:

With arguments concluded and anticipation at its peak, the Supreme Court reserved its verdict. The fate of the bat symbol, and potentially the direction of upcoming elections, now hangs in the balance.

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