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Govt Cuts HEC’s Budget by More Than Half

Govt Cuts HEC’s Budget by More Than Half

Govt Cuts HEC’s Budget by More Than Half

Govt Cuts HEC’s Budget by More Than Half.

Pakistan’s Higher Education in Turmoil: HEC Budget Cut by Over 60%!

Pakistan’s public universities face a bleak future as the federal government slashes the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) budget by a staggering 61.5% for the fiscal year 2024-25.

This drastic reduction, from Rs. 65 billion to a mere Rs. 25 billion, raises serious concerns about the quality and accessibility of higher education in the country.

Impact of the Cuts:

Concerns and Appeals:

Uncertain Future:

The significant reduction in HEC funding paints a worrying picture for Pakistan’s higher education landscape. The impact on students, faculty, and research activities remains to be seen. With the HEC chairman appealing to the government, it remains to be determined if this decision will be reconsidered.

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