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Punjab to Distribute 8 Lac Bikes under Punjab e-Bike Scheme

Punjab to Distribute 8 Lac Bikes under Punjab e-Bike Scheme

Punjab to Distribute 8 Lac Bikes under Punjab e-Bike Scheme.

Punjab Announces Landmark E-Bike Initiative for 800,000 Students

Lahore, Pakistan: In a historic move for sustainable transportation and student empowerment, the Punjab government has unveiled a groundbreaking program.

Led by Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan, the initiative will distribute e-bikes to a staggering 800,000 students across the province.

Green Revolution on Two Wheels:

Empowering Students, Especially Girls:

A Greener Punjab and Beyond:

A National Precedent?

This groundbreaking initiative by the Punjab government sets a powerful example for other regions to emulate. It has the potential to spark a nationwide shift towards cleaner and more accessible transportation solutions. Stay tuned for further updates on the Punjab e-bike program and other exciting transportation initiatives!

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