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Japan to Buy 400 Long-Range Missiles from US

Japan to Buy 400 Long-Range Missiles from US

Japan to Buy 400 Long-Range Missiles from US in an epic deal.

Japan Signs Deal with US for 400 Long-Range Tomahawk Missiles

The deal will enable Japan to double its defense spending to the NATO standard of two percent of GDP by 2027 and increase its military capacity to counter regional security threats from China and North Korea.

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Japan and the United States signed a $2.35 billion deal on Thursday to acquire up to 400 long-range Tomahawk missiles, a move that strengthens the allies’ security alliance and reflects mounting concerns about China’s military buildup and North Korea’s nuclear program.

Key points of the deal:

The deal is likely to further strain relations between China and Japan, as China has warned against Japan’s military expansion. However, Japan argues that the Tomahawk missiles are necessary to deter potential aggression from China and North Korea.

This development is significant for several reasons:

It is still too early to say what the long-term implications of this deal will be.

However, it is clear that it is a significant development that will have a major impact on the security landscape in the Asia-Pacific region.

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